Tag: spring’
8 Spring Science Eggsperiments
- by KitchenPantryScientist
Spring is egg season. You may prefer dyed eggs, hard-boiled eggs, deviled eggs, or even dinosaur eggs. No matter what kind of eggs you like best, you’ll love these eggsperiments that let you play with the amazing architecture of eggs, dissolve their shells and even dye them with the pigments found in your refrigerator. Just click on experiments for directions and the science behind the fun!
Grow alum crystals in eggshells to create beautiful geode-like works of art.
Dye eggs with spices, fruits and vegetables,
or dye them with red cabbage juice and use lemon juice and baking soda to paint them.
Dissolve eggshells with vinegar and play with osmosis when you make “Alien Monster Eggs.”
You can stand on a carton of eggs to test their strength.
For a fun physics experiment, throw eggs at a hanging sheet.
Make egg-eating monsters and watch atmospheric pressure push eggs up into a bottle.
Egg drops are a fun way to test your engineering prowess.
And finally, here’s a little more about the science of hard-boiled eggs.