Tag: melting’
Lake Ice Going Out- Cool Crystals
- by KitchenPantryScientist
We were up at the lake last week when the ice went out. It was amazing. We arrived at noon to a lake whose surface was half covered with ice and woke the next morning to clear water. The wind was blowing the ice into shore and it broke into millions of crystals that sounded like a field of windchimes. The crystals were so sharp that our dog cut his foot.
If you’re interested, you can watch the very wobbly, but cool video I took of the ice blowing around. You can see the ice crystals being pushed up and out of the water into piles. Listen, and you’ll hear the ice crystals clinking together!
[vsw id=”qt9HKExG2To” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
This week, the kids and I are going to grow alum and sugar crystals, so be sure to check for the upcoming post!