16 Summer Science Experiments
- by KitchenPantryScientist
Between working on a follow-up to Kitchen Science Lab for Kids (which involves testing, writing up and photographing 52 experiments), driving my kids around to camps and sports, and doing science outreach at libraries, bookstores and on TV, I’m finding it hard to keep up. Here’s a short video on how to make tie-dye milk (a surface tension experiment), which I did on WCCO Mid Morning show last week and forgot to post!
Luckily, between all the camps and activities, the kids and I are having fun digging in the dirt, blowing giant bubbles, and watching tadpoles and monarch caterpillars go through metamorphosis!
What science experiments are you doing this summer? It’s a great time to take science outdoors!
Here are some of our favorites:
Got water? Make siphons, a water-purifier, water rockets, or fire-proof water balloons.
Hungry? Build a solar oven from a pizza box and bake s’mores.
Stand on eggs or throw them as hard as you can without breaking them. You can always clean up mistakes with your hose!
Play magician with the tablecloth trick, or make paper bag volcanoes erupt in your back yard.
Of course, there’s always the famous Mentos geyser, and film canister rockets are always a hit.
Nature walk bracelets add fun to any excursion, and you can collect water from trees or make water filters with grass and sand.
August is a great time to find Monarch caterpillars or study the earthworms in your back yard.
And no summer would be complete at our house without an epic marshmallow shooting competition. You’ll even learn some physics!