How Safe is Your Milk?
- by KitchenPantryScientist
For years the F.D.A. has been threatening to do more rigorous testing of milk supplies for antibiotics. Now they’re going through with it, and many in the dairy industry are furious.
According to an article I read in the New York Times, inspectors have found both illegal levels of antibiotics, and types of antibiotics not regularly tested for, in older dairy cows that have been sent to slaughter. Anyone who doesn’t want their children getting an extra dose of drugs with their glass of milk should find this disturbing.
The fact that one large dairy COOP in the NorthEast told members to dump milk tested by the FDA in order to avoid recalls indicates that many in the industry are worried about what inspectors will find once they begin testing.
Large-scale agriculture is rife with antibiotics that are fed to beef cows to make them grow faster. What do consumers have to do to stop the overuse of these drugs in our food supply?
I plan to keep buying organic milk, hoping the tighter regulation and safer farming practices will keep my food pristine.
And please, test away, F.D.A. It’s your job to protect consumers. Don’t be afraid to do it.