Tag: science communication’
Citizen Science
- by KitchenPantryScientist
Want to help scientists out with real research projects? It just takes a click of the mouse to get involved with experiments that may someday be published in scientific journals and make a difference in the world.
Scistarter.com is a great starting point to help you find a project that fits your interests.
To get involved in Citizen Science, you don’t need a degree or any scientific background at all. It’s not expensive. You might just need a plastic bag or a pair of binoculars. Depending on your interest, you can do anything from taking a video of someone playing with your dog, collecting ants, recording severe weather in your own back yard, to swabbing for microbes in your home, school or sports stadium. You can even keep track of when your neighborhood outdoor hockey rink freezes and thaws or look for Camel Crickets in your basement.
Who knows? You might discover a new ant species, learn something new, or even participate in a study that helps make the world a better place.